Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo's chart wheel

Leonardo DiCaprio

November, 11th 1974 Local Time 2:47 AM Universal Time 10:47 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

Forecast : 27th December 2022 to 26th December 2023

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Leonardo DiCaprio

November, 11th 1974 Local Time 2:47 AM Universal Time 10:47 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

All times based on current location of Los Angeles, CA

Jump to Planetary Positions

Life Stages - The Astrological Episodes of Your Life

Looking at the Planets as they pass through the Houses of your unique Birth Chart, it is revealed how they help to implement and influence the stages or fields of experience in your life that the Houses represent.

In this way it is seen that your life is actually a cosmically ordered affair, enabling you to maximize the positive events and encounters, and to minimize the negatives; notifying you of growth areas, or where you best consolidate; where to experiment, where to be cautious; when it's down to you, or someone else; when to wait, when to go, etc.

Your sense of priorities is strongly enhanced, and you experience your earthly journey as something already organized, and always meaningful and going somewhere.

Life Stages covers all planetary influences except the Moon. More detailed explanations of the astrological terms can be found at the end of your report.

Your Transit Calendar

Planet House Placement

Where your planets are at the start of report.

As of 27th December 2022 your planet house placements are:

December 24th 2022 onwards to January 26th 2023


Inner or Private World, Security, Home-Life, Roots, Origins, Gene Pool

Sun transits your natal 4th house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon family and domestic matters. Making yourself known for the unique individual that you are is often inhibited in these areas, or alternatively, you or someone else could come across as domineering and overbearing.

So this is a time to find out which is the case, and so on the one hand, shine more, or on the other, throw your weight around a little less. A time when you should be able to see the difference between the comfortably familiar and being buried with the devil you know.

December 8th 2022 onwards to February 15th 2023


Inner or Private World, Security, Home-Life, Roots, Origins, Gene Pool

Mercury transits your natal 4th house

Now you find it is time to look within, to concern yourself with private matters, to look to any issues that need seeing to on the domestic and family front. The past is also something that your interest is now drawn to, and your mind can get into quite a sentimental or nostalgic mode.

Enjoy these preoccupations for they have the effect of rooting your mind in what is reassuring and familiar – but don't get too involved in such or you could get bogged down and find it hard to get on with more external matters when inevitably they present themselves.

December 11th 2022 onwards to January 7th 2023


Inner or Private World, Security, Home-Life, Roots, Origins, Gene Pool

Venus Retrograde transits your natal 4th house

Now it is your home, family and private life that offers the greatest pleasures and experiences of love. Your sense of inner harmony should also be more present than usual – so it is a good time for any redecoration as this would successfully be in tune with how you want to feel in your domestic environment.

In Nature's midst is also where you'll find more pleasure than at other times. And don't be perturbed if stirring yourself to meet more worldly duties is low down on your list of priorities during this time – that is the whole point of it!

August 21st 2022 onwards to April 1st 2023


Higher Education, Travel, Foreign Parts, Law, Beliefs, Academia, Philosophy

Mars transits your natal 9th house

Now it is your beliefs and opinions that either take you far, or get you into rather hot water. If your opinions and beliefs are weak or ill-defined however, then expect someone else to assert theirs over you. In any event then, there is a call to muster or identify your convictions if you are going to have the courage of them.

This is not really a time to stand on the side-line, but then going to the other extreme of self-righteousness will be asking for a reaction that you may or may not find you are willing to contend with. There is a 'holy war' quality to this time, so decide what casualties are acceptable before you set off on any crusade.

September 30th 2022 onwards to January 14th 2023


Health, Training, Work, Techniques, Order, Co-workers, Service, Helpers, Pets

Jupiter transits your natal 6th house

During this time, opportunities and occasions arise that offer or provide furtherance, enjoyment and improvement in matters concerning work, co-workers, health and service to others, and also pets. This is a time when you can appreciate how valuable promotion and development of such modest pursuits can be. This is also a time for healing, of yourself or others. However, any health problem that has been lying under the surface can make itself felt now.

Additionally, bear in mind that growing in a creative and productive way is essential to health, but resisting growth for any reason, such as fear of criticism or being too fussy, can actually give rise to negative growth, like excess weight. Duties and responsibilities may seem to inhibit your freedom now, but actually this is a call to clear out and clean up in any areas of your life and personality that need it. Then the way will be clearer for a more fruitful interaction with the world and others.

February 4th 2021 onwards to May 12th 2023


Creative/Self Expression, Children, Pastimes, Romance, Drama, Gambling, Play

Saturn transits your natal 5th house

During this time, circumstances demand or help you establish, make stable or put into order, issues concerning your manner of creative self-expression – and this includes everything from pastimes to romance, children to drama, partying to making anything that is a demonstration of your unique personality.

So there is a definite paradox at work now, for you have to get serious about having fun, to tighten up in order to loosen up, be disciplined in your artistic expression, to set definite boundaries so that you or others know where they are free to be themselves. Children particularly, your own if you have any, or others if you don't, can become a great responsibility as they force you to connect with the 'adult' in you, that is the one who has authority born of a sound sense of what is and is not permissible – yet at the same contacting the 'child' inside yourself, for this enables you to understand the actual child.

Any weakness in this respect will mean having to pay the price – and this won't just concern children. Not recognizing when you or others have crossed the line can attract quite dramatic problems. So this is a time of learning how to enjoy and freely express yourself, while observing certain limitations and rules.

March 15th 2019 onwards to August 3rd 2025


Intimacy, Others' Resources, Transformation, Occult/Hidden Matters

Uranus Retrograde transits your natal 8th house

At certain times during this period, change or innovation, the disruptive or awakening, or the unique, unusual, alternative or odd, find their way into matters concerning other's resources and intimate involvements, be they emotional or financial, and any interest you might have in the hidden world or the 'other side'.

Freedom and relying on others for money have long been uncomfortable bedfellows, so if this is the context, it will make for a difficult passage. Feeling beholden or dependent on something or someone, means by its very nature that you are not 'free'. The trick here is to see such dependency as what gives you the freedoms which you actually have, or should appreciate you have.

Otherwise, extremely disharmonious situations can arise where there is no clear resolution. Such crises do however challenge you to eliminate deeply seated negative traits of character, while transforming them into something purer and higher, and more powerful. If you are lucky, something could happen that actually does provide you with freedom from someone else's resources – like an inheritance for example.

But this possibility should not be banked upon! All this includes that other area – intimate relationship – which is also rather inimical to freedom. Usually, when sexually committed to someone, exercising freedom to do what you want or go elsewhere is not welcome or allowed. This, of course, can be done in secret, another Eighth House matter, but as Uranus is all about openness and truth, expect to have your cover blown.

Another of many alternatives to this conflicting Planet/House mix is that of freedom or experimentation within a sexual relationship, possibly involving one or more others. This can be very revealing and exciting, but also quite dangerous psychologically – but would still disclose where you and others are coming from sexually. This may possibly involve a more esoteric approach to sex, such as Tantra. In fact, this period can be one of awakening to the more metaphysical and occult side of life, either in proportion to how much you might already be interested in this, or quite unexpectedly, possibly owing to some sudden occurrence.

January 25th 2015 onwards to April 26th 2026


Health, Training, Work, Techniques, Order, Co-workers, Service, Helpers, Pets

Neptune Retrograde transits your natal 6th house

At certain times during this period, spirituality or illusion, subtle attunement or over-sensitivity, inspiration or confusion, find their way into matters concerning work, co-workers, health, methodologies, and service to others, and also pets. It is probably with respect to health that you have to be most careful. On the one hand, because you are more susceptible to picking up infections or developing allergies, and on the other, to letting your imagination get the better of you and actually making yourself ill.

Then again, if you are unwell during this time it may be some strange or hard to diagnose complaint, or be psychosomatic. But this latter point does not necessarily mean that there is nothing wrong with you, but that you are physically manifesting something that is bothering you on an unconscious or emotional level. It is also likely that during this period you will seek out complementary or alternative medical help, or actually seek to be a practitioner yourself.

It is the subtler reasons for health or the lack of it that you are drawn to now – one way or the other. Likewise, nutrition or diet might become a concern, but again be careful that this does not become a problem in itself with fads posing as hard facts. At work, sensitivities, allergies and rumours could be an issue – but these too would be symptomatic of some underlying issue trying to make itself felt.

November 1st 2010 onwards to February 15th 2027


Inner or Private World, Security, Home-Life, Roots, Origins, Gene Pool

Pluto Retrograde transits your natal 4th house

At certain times during this period, crises, deep transformations, fated occurrences and intense experiences, find their way into matters concerning your home and family, and your sense of security and belonging. So a good keyword for the underlying theme and essential meaning of this time is 'roots' – or more specifically, changes brought about by your being steeped in them or searching for them – perhaps compulsively.

Dealings with your parents and home life have a quality which forces old issues out into the open, probably giving rise to power struggles, confrontations and upheavals. This process could also be reflected in your domestic life generally, with moves being symbolic of changes taking place deep within. You are searching for where you truly belong – and you may well find it - at least until you are required to search for an even deeper level of belonging.

As part of this 'journey' you are also quite likely to become quite buried at home, tucked away from the world. And with Pluto being the planet of endings and beginnings, there can during this time be the passing of a parent of other family member – but this is by no means a certainty. But if it does occur it is indicative of your 'rooting process' outstripping what were your earlier roots, rather like the rooting of an oak tree would see the comings and goings of the flora and fauna that exist in its midst.

New Episodes for January 2023

January 7th to February 1st 2023


Creative/Self Expression, Children, Pastimes, Romance, Drama, Gambling, Play

Venus transits your natal 5th house

Now anything that involves a sense of fun or self-expression is well-starred. Pastimes, romance, games, parties are all more likely than usual to go with a swing or be rewarding. Enjoying the presence of children is also something that lends sweetness to your life now. Entertaining or being entertained has an extra sparkle about it too. You're in the mood for love and enjoyment.

January 15th to May 18th 2023


Relationships, Others, Projected Self, Spouse, Adversaries

Jupiter transits your natal 7th house

During this time, opportunities and occasions arise that offer or provide furtherance, enjoyment and improvement in matters concerning relationships, your partner if you have one, and your manner of relating itself. This could mean a new and adventurous encounter, or introduce something new to an existing partnership. Basically there is a green light for making more of relationships.

But if there is anything getting in the way of this, then Jupiter could introduce a 'wild card' that is there to make it apparent that relationships should never be allowed to become complacent or get into a rut. What are called for are increases in understanding and exploration of each other if you are in relationship, or the exploration of what's 'out there' if you are not, which would include advertising yourself in some way. In the first case though, failing to grasp this can in some cases lead to a 'playing away' situation. In the end, this is a time to get wise to the fact that any relationship is an expression and reflection of your alter ego. Bear this in mind and any and all relationships will become far more fulfilling and intriguing - and understandable.

January 26th to February 25th 2023


Creative/Self Expression, Children, Pastimes, Romance, Drama, Gambling, Play

Sun transits your natal 5th house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon expressing yourself and having some fun. Playing and creating should be high on your list of priorities, as too should be romantic occasions or children.

Being outgoing is the key to making the most of this period, but avoid demanding centre-stage too much – you could get a custard-pie in your face, or get left with egg on it!

New Episodes for February 2023

February 1st to 22nd 2023


Health, Training, Work, Techniques, Order, Co-workers, Service, Helpers, Pets

Venus transits your natal 6th house

Now matters relating to work or health are best met with a sense of diplomacy or harmony. In addition to saying that happiness and chilling out are found to be the best tonics for health during this period, this also means that colleagues may come across as more amenable or likeable, as you will to them, thus creating a more effective work environment – simply because everyone is happier in the job.

There is the possibility of trying to combine work with pleasure in a more literal way, like flirting or falling in love with a co-worker or client for example. But being careful is both the stock and astrological advice here!

February 15th to March 6th 2023


Creative/Self Expression, Children, Pastimes, Romance, Drama, Gambling, Play

Mercury transits your natal 5th house

Now you find that your mind is in more of a 'fun mode' than usual. Playing games and creating a party atmosphere is what you are good at during this time, and you are not so concerned about the more earnest and practical issues of life. If you have a creative bent then this is a great time for achieving some good results or coming up with interesting or amusing ideas.

Naturally enough, the downside to all this is forgetting that the rest of the world is not necessarily in that fun mode – so bear that in mind before you overlook some more serious or official obligation.

February 22nd to March 17th 2023


Relationships, Others, Projected Self, Spouse, Adversaries

Venus transits your natal 7th house

Now the way you relate to others, from partner to the general public, will be more attuned and appealing. Consequently, affection is more commonly expressed, in one or both directions, and a pleasing familiarity colours your dealings with anyone you come into contact with. Even adversaries are more likely to be understood or tolerated.

There is also a possibility of meeting a special someone during this time, other planetary influences permitting. However, there is the possibility of your social prejudices and foibles being more acute, and therefore being more noticeable as what repels rather than attracts. All in all though, a time to get to know people better – including yourself.

February 25th to March 24th 2023


Health, Training, Work, Techniques, Order, Co-workers, Service, Helpers, Pets

Sun transits your natal 6th house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon work and health issues, so making improvements here, like creating or beginning routines and regimens, are well starred. This is a time of industriousness and effort, and of finding the best way of doing anything.

Also being of service to others would be very rewarding, but just be careful not to help where it isn't needed, or embarrassment or hurt feelings could result.

New Episodes for March 2023

March 6th to 20th 2023


Health, Training, Work, Techniques, Order, Co-workers, Service, Helpers, Pets

Mercury transits your natal 6th house

Now your mind is in a 'let's get down to it' mood, and so it is an excellent time for getting all manner of tasks started or finished efficiently.

The methods and systems that serve you best come easily to hand, and co-workers are also co-operative, or at least more on the ball that usual – a factor which could of course cut both ways!

Your mind can also turn to matters of health during this time, either because it simply becomes an area of interest, or you have a problem with health that is very likely down to some kind of anxiety state, possibly about work itself. The advice here is to stop trying to get too much done and to go easy on fault-finding, be it from or to yourself.

March 17th to April 12th 2023


Intimacy, Others' Resources, Transformation, Occult/Hidden Matters

Venus transits your natal 8th house

Now your sense of intimacy is heightened, causing relationships that are already close to become closer, or an intimate encounter could actually take place. It has to be said that if you find intimacy difficult as a rule, you could find it even more so during this period, possibly making you back off, or out even.

But this would be missing a golden chance to be more at ease with being very close to someone - or even with something, like occult realms or the 'other side'. On a more mundane level money can be acquired or attracted through a partner during this time.

March 20th to April 3rd 2023


Relationships, Others, Projected Self, Spouse, Adversaries

Mercury transits your natal 7th house

Now you appreciate the truth of the sayings 'Two heads are better than one' and 'A problem shared is a problem halved'. So if you have any issue that you find hard to deal with, find someone with whom you can come right out with it and these proverbs will be proven to be true.

Seeking out professional counsel is auspicious now. Conversely, you could be the one that one or more others bend the ear of. In any event, it's time to talk.

March 24th to April 20th 2023


Relationships, Others, Projected Self, Spouse, Adversaries

Sun transits your natal 7th house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon the importance of relationships in your life, or what it is that is important about one relationship in particular. During this time it pays to be aware that what you put out has a great deal to do with what you get back.

Paradoxically though, this can mean that if you give too much you get less back, while not giving enough gives rise to having apparently impossible demands made of you. This influence is telling you that relationships are all about balance, sharing and co-operation.

New Episodes for April 2023

April 1st to May 30th 2023


Outer or Public World, Profession, Earthly Purpose, Status, Reputation

Mars transits your natal 10th house

Now your desire to make some headway on the world is what comes to the fore. So furthering ambitions and objectives is well-starred. The pitfall to watch out for though, is running foul of those in positions of authority who do not want what you think you want.

This may even happen before it has occurred to you what it is that you actually want to achieve at all, with the outside world and its players intimidating you in some way. But this would be a sign that you were allowing that sphere to inhibit you to the point of having no ambitions of your own.

Essentially, this is a time to first objectively consider what you want to achieve in lie, than go about it in a planned and structured way and avoid, if possible, rubbing up the wrong way those you need to help you.

April 4th to June 12th 2023


Intimacy, Others' Resources, Transformation, Occult/Hidden Matters

Mercury transits your natal 8th house

Now you find you mind turning inwards to matters concerned with secrecy, psychology or the occult. It is only the deeper causes and underpinnings of life that interest you now, or at least, such areas are the only ones that will provide you the interest or answers you require.

A relatively superficial approach just won't wash during this time. Serious matters such as death and the inner meaning of life may well preoccupy you. On a more mundane level, jointly owned property issues could be what demand your attention, and your mind is in the right gear for dealing with just that kind of thing.

April 12th to May 10th 2023


Higher Education, Travel, Foreign Parts, Law, Beliefs, Academia, Philosophy

Venus transits your natal 9th house

Now your horizons can be broadened through some kind of encounter with someone or something that is outside of your usual experience. So people or places of a different culture, belief or artistic persuasion may well bring you pleasure, along with a new perspective and set of values.

A good time to go abroad, and places of higher learning will also provide enjoyment. In fact, joy itself is what this time could be said to be all about.

April 20th to May 22nd 2023


Intimacy, Others' Resources, Transformation, Occult/Hidden Matters

Sun transits your natal 8th house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon the deeper feelings that you have about life and others. Depending upon how intimate you are with the inner workings of your psyche or somebody else's, this can be a time when you can find yourself feeling anything from cut off to feeling a lot closer to whoever or whatever.

Experiences that make you aware that 'no man (or woman) is an island' is what you will attract. The highs and lows of any involvement, be it emotional or financial, are what find you out right now.

New Episodes for May 2023

May 10th to June 11th 2023


Outer or Public World, Profession, Earthly Purpose, Status, Reputation

Venus transits your natal 10th house

Now a ray of harmony and beauty comes into your professional sphere and your dealings with the external world generally. Authority figures are more likely to see you in a favourable light – so asking for a loan or a rise is advisable during this period, other planetary influences notwithstanding.

The use of art, design or public relations could make all the difference to you career progress and job satisfaction now too. Generally, the more attractive and personable aspect of people is present in your interaction with the material world.

May 12th to July 24th 2023


Health, Training, Work, Techniques, Order, Co-workers, Service, Helpers, Pets

Saturn transits your natal 6th house

During this time, circumstances demand or help you establish, make stable or put into order, issues concerning work, co-workers, health, technical method, and service to others, and also pets. You have to work hard now and it can seem for little reward, other than the work in itself - but beware overworking for that could lead to health problems.

The reward will come later, after Saturn has left this House and entered the next, the Seventh House and beyond. It is as if you are preparing or training for an appearance or examination. The gardener clears the ground of stones and weeds, fertilizes it and plants the seed; all hard work with nothing yet to show for it. But come the 'spring': 'food' and 'flowers'!

With regard to health this can be a time when you can or must adopt a disciplined regimen to improve your physical and/or psychological state. In many respects this time can be regarded as an apprenticeship or an exercise in devotion – to whatever you regard as worthy of your efforts, which should certainly include your health, and possibly that of others too.

May 18th 2023 onwards to May 30th 2024


Intimacy, Others' Resources, Transformation, Occult/Hidden Matters

Jupiter transits your natal 8th house

During this time, opportunities and occasions arise that offer or provide furtherance, enjoyment and improvement in matters concerning other's resources and intimate involvements, be they emotional or financial. Windfalls or inheritances are a possibility now – but don't bank on this! At a deeper level this period is saying that change and transformation is the way forwards and upwards, but possibly through at first going inwards or even downwards.

So this can mean that some form or crisis or intense experience is what precedes a breakthrough. Consequently, resist trying to avoid such when really it is inevitable for this could create a block to emotional or financial flow. Joint ownership and intimacy are growth areas now, and that growth depends upon knowing where and when to keep a secret on the one hand, and where and when to be totally honest on the other.

May 22nd to June 25th 2023


Higher Education, Travel, Foreign Parts, Law, Beliefs, Academia, Philosophy

Sun transits your natal 9th house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon 'getting out more'. So any activity or pursuit that gets you out of your comfort zone, furthers you in some way, gets you in touch with what is usually foreign to you, or that cultivates your mind, is what will give that all-important feeling that live is an adventure, has meaning, and is going somewhere.

The laws that govern life, be they Man's or God's, can also become an interest or issue now.

May 30th to July 20th 2023


Associations, Friends, Politics, Aspirations, Groups, Ideals, Movements, Clubs

Mars transits your natal 11th house

Now it is group effort or teamwork that is the recipe for attaining what you want. So considering not trying to do everything yourself is advisable, otherwise you would either find yourself spread too thinly or not able to even get a project off the ground in the first place.

Your ego might like to think it can do it all on its own, but this time should make it clear that this is not presently the case. Being in conflict with friends, social media, groups and associates would be a sign that you were not getting this point. Alternatively, it may be an inclination to not rock the boat that is holding you back.

New Episodes for June 2023

June 11th to October 15th 2023


Associations, Friends, Politics, Aspirations, Groups, Ideals, Movements, Clubs

Venus transits your natal 11th house

Now love and harmony is found among friends, social media, groups and associations. Workshops, conferences and social gatherings are more likely to go with a swing as people concerned are less egocentric, making it possible for everyone to share their thoughts and emotions without feeling eclipsed or judged.

This is a time when love and freedom can come together, providing all with a greater sense of what being genuinely human is about. Hopes and aspirations can therefore become more realizable. It is also a good time to discover or rediscover the friendship that exists within a love relationship such as a marriage or long-term partnership, and how this strengthens the bond while at the same time not being made to feel emotionally pressured.

June 12th to 28th 2023


Higher Education, Travel, Foreign Parts, Law, Beliefs, Academia, Philosophy

Mercury transits your natal 9th house

Now you find you have more interest than usual in abstract or foreign issues. So this is a good time for academic work, mixing with people of different race or nationality, or simply going abroad on holiday.

Your mind is more philosophically inclined than usual, so you are probably more accepting or understanding – or at least you need to be, otherwise you may well find that an intolerant or xenophobic attitude attracts more disagreement than is merely stimulating.

June 25th to July 29th 2023


Outer or Public World, Profession, Earthly Purpose, Status, Reputation

Sun transits your natal 10th house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon amounting to something in life. This can simply mean that status and career have more going for them than usual, or if not, this time is calling you to gird your loins and cast your bread upon the water.

As a rule no-one is going to find you if you are tucked away somewhere all the time, but then defining exactly what your purpose in life is – which you can discover now or get closer to discovering – may simply amount to your being the 'power behind the throne'.

So this time is essentially about being more alive to the fact that what you are in the world can be more down to you than the world itself. Nevertheless, what you are, or are not capable of, should be made plain now.

June 28th to July 14th 2023


Outer or Public World, Profession, Earthly Purpose, Status, Reputation

Mercury transits your natal 10th house

Now you find that it is issues of communication that are key regarding your standing in the world, your profession, officialdom, or whoever or whatever has the power to improve or affect your position in life. So making the right contact, writing those letters or e-mails, making those phone calls, or doing anything else that connects 'A' with 'B' is what is required, desirable and what simply creates success.

New Episodes for July 2023

July 14th to August 2nd 2023


Associations, Friends, Politics, Aspirations, Groups, Ideals, Movements, Clubs

Mercury transits your natal 11th house

Now you find that an important aspect to whatever is going on in your mind, or however you are actually employing your mind, is friendships, social media, associates or co-members of any club or organisation you belong to. So, sharing problems or ideas in a group setting are presently more likely than not, to bring about some resolution or realisation.

July 20th to September 1st 2023


Karma, Spiritual Realm, Collective Unconscious, Confinement, Womb-life

Mars transits your natal 12th house

Now it is important to bear in mind two things with respect to getting what you want from life. Firstly, don't expect to be recognized for your efforts at this time because, whether you know it or not, you are actually working behind the scenes, in preparation for when Mars leaves this House and enters the First House and things get a lot more clear and straightforward.

Secondly, be aware that presently your actions are strongly affected by past issues and experiences, inhibiting or forcing your hand in ways that you seem to have no control over.
To struggle against either of these factors would find you feeling frustrated and impotent.

You are now dealing or contending with a kind of 'undertow' as you push on out from past doubts and problems, so just keep going forwards even if you cannot quite see what your direction is. Quite simply, it is the opposite direction to that undertow.

July 24th 2023 onwards to January 29th 2024


Creative/Self Expression, Children, Pastimes, Romance, Drama, Gambling, Play

Saturn Retrograde transits your natal 5th house

During this time, circumstances demand or help you establish, make stable or put into order, issues concerning your manner of creative self-expression – and this includes everything from pastimes to romance, children to drama, partying to making anything that is a demonstration of your unique personality.

So there is a definite paradox at work now, for you have to get serious about having fun, to tighten up in order to loosen up, be disciplined in your artistic expression, to set definite boundaries so that you or others know where they are free to be themselves. Children particularly, your own if you have any, or others if you don't, can become a great responsibility as they force you to connect with the 'adult' in you, that is the one who has authority born of a sound sense of what is and is not permissible – yet at the same contacting the 'child' inside yourself, for this enables you to understand the actual child.

Any weakness in this respect will mean having to pay the price – and this won't just concern children. Not recognizing when you or others have crossed the line can attract quite dramatic problems. So this is a time of learning how to enjoy and freely express yourself, while observing certain limitations and rules.

July 29th to August 29th 2023


Associations, Friends, Politics, Aspirations, Groups, Ideals, Movements, Clubs

Sun transits your natal 11th house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon the importance of certain friendships, social media or group involvements you have. Teamwork is key right now, as too is having the freedom to be amongst kindred spirits.

Social gatherings can go with a swing now more than usual, and you realize that your social scene says a lot about you as an individual.

New Episodes for August 2023

August 2nd to October 6th 2023


Karma, Spiritual Realm, Collective Unconscious, Confinement, Womb-life

Mercury transits your natal 12th house

Now you find your mind is more susceptible to the influences that could include the thoughts of others, fantasies, your distant past, the psychical or mystical, or anything that is somewhat out of the ordinary or everyday sphere.

So the range of mental states you experience is quite considerable – everything from voices in the head, to feeling in touch with some inner truth of life, to thinking that someone is talking about you, and therefore to either wanting to communicate such things or to an equal reluctance to communicate at all what is going on in your head.

In effect it is a time when you can get in touch with the more mysterious or hidden and learn a great deal from it, but if you are unwilling or unaware, then the more paranoid and disturbing aspects could be what haunt you. Quite simply a time to look within and take on or use a more spiritual or psychological perspective.

August 29th to September 26th 2023


Karma, Spiritual Realm, Collective Unconscious, Confinement, Womb-life

Sun transits your natal 12th house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon 'behind-the-scenes' activities and influences. So you are not that inclined to mix with others unless they come together for some spiritual or psychological reason.

You can feel rather out of the swim of things now because you are reflecting, or are forced to reflect, upon what is motivating you at a deeper level than what everyday life is concerned with.

This is a time when your conscience and the effects of the collective can weigh upon you more, and this in turn can promote an awareness that the past – of this life and possibly previous ones – is what determines what happens now, and what happens next. 'What's past is prologue' as Shakespeare said.

New Episodes for September 2023

September 1st to October 12th 2023


Birth, Beginnings, Self, Presentation, Persona, Identity, Character

Mars transits your natal 1st house

Now you are more forceful, energetic and upfront than usual. In proportion to your normal sense of competitiveness, you are in a want-to-win mode. This makes it a good time to promote or assert yourself for any reason. Be careful that you don't overdo this though or you are likely to rub people up the wrong way and defeat your aims.

Conversely, hanging back could find you on the receiving end of others asserting their will over yours in some way. Mars is like a weapon or tool that if just left lying around is likely to be picked up and used by someone or something else! Similarly, any angry feelings you have that are not expressed or processed in some way are going to find someone venting their anger upon you, or leaving you open to some other kind of attack.

September 26th to October 24th 2023


Birth, Beginnings, Self, Presentation, Persona, Identity, Character

Sun transits your natal 1st house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon putting your individual identity forward, making it clear that you are someone in your own right. So it is a good time to make an impression, but just be careful that you do not overlook what others are feeling and thinking altogether because, after all, it is the effect you create that matters in the end. This would make the difference between having a strong sense of yourself, and being merely wrapped up in yourself, or feeling self-conscious.

New Episodes for October 2023

October 6th to 22nd 2023


Birth, Beginnings, Self, Presentation, Persona, Identity, Character

Mercury transits your natal 1st house

Now you find that you are inclined to see things more logically than you usually are. Tasks or activities that require mental ability and wit come more naturally to you, as well as being more appealing to you. You see matters in the 'clear light of intellect'. Just be careful that you do not chatter on too much or fail to see the forest for the trees or miss the emotional point.

October 12th to November 25th 2023


Possessions, Capabilities, Finances, Income, Self-Worth, Material World

Mars transits your natal 2nd house

Now your desire and effort to increase your income and/or self-worth that is stronger than usual. The whole issue of 'ownership' is hot or contentious one. If you are happy with what you have in terms of possessions, earning power or talent, then this is a time when you can go out and make something more of them.

If however, you are not that sure of what you have going for you, then making the effort to remedy this is the call of the day. But if you let any low self-esteem get to you then expect to feel defeated and frustrated. This is, after all, a time to go and get it.

October 15th to November 11th 2023


Karma, Spiritual Realm, Collective Unconscious, Confinement, Womb-life

Venus transits your natal 12th house

Now it is the selfless and unconditional aspect of love and social involvements that makes itself felt. Or at least, it ought to, or one is likely to feel dissatisfied and put upon. Giving of yourself to whomever needs your love and support, on the other hand, will provide you with a decidedly spiritual sense of what life is about on a real emotional level. Virtue proves to be of its own reward.

Alternatively, it could be some form of retreat or pilgrimage that attracts you now, pleasure being found in simplicity and closeness to the soul of things. There is even the possibility of finding fulfilment in some institution, such as a hospital or prison. Artistic inspiration in solitude is another possibility. However, during this period be careful not to play the martyr or indulge in being a 'do-gooder' or in self-pity, for this will create a very undesirable effect that will have repercussions for some time.

October 22nd to November 10th 2023


Possessions, Capabilities, Finances, Income, Self-Worth, Material World

Mercury transits your natal 2nd house

Now you find it interesting or necessary to investigate financial matters, which you are able to deal with more efficiently than usual, other planetary influences notwithstanding. You are better able to sort problems and spot snags, but on the other hand, seeking these out should be a priority, especially if there are any financial problems!

October 24th to November 23th 2023


Possessions, Capabilities, Finances, Income, Self-Worth, Material World

Sun transits your natal 2nd house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon financial matters and issues regarding your self-worth. So it is advisable to 'make hay while the sun shines' in these respects, investing what you have got in increasing your earning power or affirming to yourself what you have going for you.

New Episodes for November 2023

November 10th to December 4th 2023


Communication, Primary/Secondary Education, Siblings, Everyday Encounters

Mercury transits your natal 3rd house

Now you find your mind has plenty to chew on as it flits from subject to interest, person to pastime, and all forms of communication fill your days. Don't be surprised if all this makes you nervy of jumpy.

However, if you start to get into a flat spin, chill out and do some deep breathing and remind yourself that some things can and will just have to wait. As they say 'the mind is a good servant but a bad master' – so don't let yourself run around after everyone or everything that presents itself to you or demands your attention. Use some discrimination.

November 11th to December 5th 2023


Birth, Beginnings, Self, Presentation, Persona, Identity, Character

Venus transits your natal 1st house

Now you are inclined to make a priority out of harmony and pleasure, and how attractive you look and feel, with the result that loving feelings and experiences become more prevalent than usual. As ever with Venus there is the strong alternative of simply indulging - or of expecting love, pleasure and affection when you are not being loving, pleasing or affectionate enough yourself, with subsequent frustration. Venus is as to Venus does.

A love interest, or just an object of fancy, could appear on your horizon during this period.

November 23th to December 25th 2023


Communication, Primary/Secondary Education, Siblings, Everyday Encounters

Sun transits your natal 3rd house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon issues concerning communication and showing what you know. What you want to say can be said positively and confidently now, so it is a good opportunity to make yourself felt in your own neighbourhood, enter a quiz, or get that letter written or piece of writing done.

Short trips should go with a swing and open up opportunities for you.

November 25th 2023 onwards to January 9th 2024


Communication, Primary/Secondary Education, Siblings, Everyday Encounters

Mars transits your natal 3rd house

Now it is the everyday world of communication and getting around your immediate vicinity that finds you energized. You are inclined to speak forcefully and promote your personal point of view with vigour and conviction.

However, if there are disputes with neighbours or siblings, or just someone close-by or in a shop, or out driving, then expect things to get heated. It is probably worth counting to ten if the possibility of such a confrontation arises, otherwise you could get a lot more than you bargained for.

New Episodes until 26th December 2023

December 4th to 20th 2023


Inner or Private World, Security, Home-Life, Roots, Origins, Gene Pool

Mercury transits your natal 4th house

Now you find it is time to look within, to concern yourself with private matters, to look to any issues that need seeing to on the domestic and family front. The past is also something that your interest is now drawn to, and your mind can get into quite a sentimental or nostalgic mode.

Enjoy these preoccupations for they have the effect of rooting your mind in what is reassuring and familiar – but don't get too involved in such or you could get bogged down and find it hard to get on with more external matters when inevitably they present themselves.

December 5th to 30th 2023


Possessions, Capabilities, Finances, Income, Self-Worth, Material World

Venus transits your natal 2nd house

Now you are more than usually drawn to things material or sensual, or they are drawn to you. This is a two-edged blade though because you can be inclined to spend or invest more than you can afford.

However, if your sense of affluence can be tempered with common financial sense, this can be a time when you increase your income/funds, or your sense of self-worth, or both, because they are, you find, inextricably linked. Yet at the same time, be careful not to mistake one with the other – that is, what you have materially with what you are worth as a person.

December 20th 2023 onwards to January 17th 2024


Communication, Primary/Secondary Education, Siblings, Everyday Encounters

Mercury Retrograde transits your natal 3rd house

Now you find your mind has plenty to chew on as it flits from subject to interest, person to pastime, and all forms of communication fill your days. Don't be surprised if all this makes you nervy of jumpy.

However, if you start to get into a flat spin, chill out and do some deep breathing and remind yourself that some things can and will just have to wait. As they say 'the mind is a good servant but a bad master' – so don't let yourself run around after everyone or everything that presents itself to you or demands your attention. Use some discrimination.

December 25th 2023 onwards to January 26th 2024


Inner or Private World, Security, Home-Life, Roots, Origins, Gene Pool

Sun transits your natal 4th house

Now your will and life-force are focused upon family and domestic matters. Making yourself known for the unique individual that you are is often inhibited in these areas, or alternatively, you or someone else could come across as domineering and overbearing.

So this is a time to find out which is the case, and so on the one hand, shine more, or on the other, throw your weight around a little less. A time when you should be able to see the difference between the comfortably familiar and being buried with the devil you know.

Life Stages - Postscript

These Episodes of Your Life are astrologically determined by the periods of time taken by each of the Planets to pass through each of the twelve Houses in your unique Birth Chart, which has been drawn up for on average the time of day you were born.

The Houses of your Birth Chart represent the various stages or fields of experience that constitute your life on Earth. Physically, the Houses are seen as segments of sky in relation to the horizon (like a pieces of pie with you at the center) extending out into space, the First House being just below the eastern horizon, the Second following anticlockwise, etc., etc., ending with the Twelfth House just above the eastern horizon, preceding the First House where the cycle starts again. They can be briefly described at the beginning of each House Transit Interpretation.

The Planets (including the Sun and Moon) influence these areas of your life as they travel or transit through your Houses, basically like this...

Pluto - Regenerating or Degenerating for on average on average 20 years 8 months
Neptune - Sensitizing or Weakening for on average 13 years 8 months
Uranus - Awakening or Disrupting for on average 7 years
Saturn - Stabilizing or Testing for on average 2 years 5 months
Jupiter - Developing or Exaggerating for on average 1 Year
Mars - Energizing or Attacking for on average 1 Month 27 Days
Venus - Enjoying or Indulging for on average 25 Days
Mercury - Connecting or Worrying for on average 21 Days 17 Hours
Moon* - Feeling or Reacting for on average 2 Days 7 hours
Sun - Illuminating or Domineering for on average 30 Days 10 Hours

* Being so swift, the Moon is not included in Year Reports, as there would be too many of them.

Each Planet travels through the sky at a different speed. The slowest moving, Pluto, takes 248 years to go through all the Houses, so it will only influence a maximum of 4 or 5 Houses even in a long lifetime. At the other extreme is the Moon which takes just a month, so normally it will influence all the Houses over and over again.

For Example: When Saturn is transiting your First House you can expect to have your Identity Tested and/or Stabilized over a period of 2 to 7.5 years (depending on the size of the House, which varies). Using the table above, you can use the keywords for Planets and Houses in this way for any Planet/House influence that you know to be in effect. The following interpretations that describe each of these transits will of course go into more detail as to what this poses and means, and provide practical advice too.

Your Life Stages - The interpretations begin with the House each Planet was transiting at the very beginning of the Report period together with the actual date the outer planet entered the house in question.

House Systems - The above timing also depends on the House System being used, as there are several. For Life Stages the most popular House System, Placidus, is used.

End of Report - When a Planet is still transiting a particular House by the time the Report ends, the date it leaves the house is given.

New Episodes for Remainder of Report - Following upon the Positions of Planets at Start of Report Period, you are shown the new Houses entered (and possibly exited) during the remainder of the Report period as well as the Personal Inner Planets House Positions.

Entering Houses - On and around the day a Planet enters a House (the beginning of the Transit) the effect as given in the interpretation can usually be felt quite distinctly - but only if given birth time is accurate. This is even more the case when a Planet enters the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th House. This is because these are the Angles of your birth chart, which represent the most significant areas of life experience.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto Transits - These are the more important transits as they last a long time and usually pack more of a planetary punch.

Cycles and Seasons - Because of their cyclical nature, all the Planets will eventually come around to a House that it has been through before - although never in the case of Pluto and Neptune as they take longer than a lifetime to orbit the Sun; and with Uranus this may not happen at all either as it takes 84 years to complete a cycle. When a repeat visit to a House does occur, it'll be the same interpretation of meaning, but you will probably experience or understand it in a different way to the time before. Depending on the Planet in question how long before can vary from 29.5 years for Saturn, to one month for the Moon.

Retrograde Planets - All the Planets, but not the Sun and Moon, will at times appear to slow down, then go stationary, then go backwards, then slow down and go stationary again, and finally go forwards again. In fact this is why they were called 'planets' for the word means 'wanderer'. This going back (or retrograde) and forward (or direct) is caused by the Earth's orbit around the Sun in relationship to the other Planets' orbits - rather like two trains pulling out of a station at different speeds making the slower train appear to go backwards from the point of view of the faster train. The effect this has on a Planet's transit through the Houses is one of its spending a lot longer or shorter time in a House than it would otherwise - particularly with respect to the faster moving Planets, namely Mars, Venus and Mercury. You will also see that occasionally this retrograde motion means that a Planet will go back into a House it was transiting just a short time before, almost as of it is trying to remind you of a point concerning that House!

Multiple Transits - If you ever have two or more Planets transiting one House at the same time - or especially entering it simultaneously - then this is strongly emphasizing that area of your life, and you are encouraged to take advantage of this emphasis.

Conflicting or Harmonious Transits - Occasionally you may notice that one Planet is compromising or helping another as they transit different Houses. For example, having Jupiter transiting your Tenth House would indicate professional advancement. But if Saturn was going through the opposite Fourth House it could mean that home and personal affairs had to be put in order before progress was made career wise. However, if Saturn was instead going through your Sixth House of work and co-workers, then Saturn could be seen to assist professional accomplishment.

Leonardo's Planetary Positions

November, 11th 1974 Local Time 2:47 AM Universal Time 10:47 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

All times based on current location of Los Angeles, CA


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Conjuncts Venus
Sun Trines Saturn
Sun Semisquare Ascendant
Sun Sesquiquadrate MidHeaven
Moon Squares Saturn
Moon Conjuncts Pluto
Moon Opposes Chiron
Mercury Conjuncts Uranus
Mercury Trines MidHeaven
Venus Conjuncts Sun
Venus Trines Saturn
Venus Semisquare Ascendant
Venus Sesquiquadrate MidHeaven
Venus Quincunx Chiron
Mars Trines Jupiter
Mars Semisextile Neptune
Mars Semisextile Pluto
Mars Trines MidHeaven
Mars Semisextile North Node
Jupiter Trines Mars
Jupiter Squares Neptune
Jupiter Quincunx Pluto
Jupiter Trines MidHeaven
Jupiter Squares North Node
Saturn Trines Sun
Saturn Squares Moon
Saturn Trines Venus
Saturn Squares Chiron
Uranus Conjuncts Mercury
Uranus Trines MidHeaven
Neptune Semisextile Mars
Neptune Squares Jupiter
Neptune Sextiles Pluto
Neptune Conjuncts North Node
Pluto Conjuncts Moon
Pluto Semisextile Mars
Pluto Quincunx Jupiter
Pluto Sextiles Neptune
Pluto Conjuncts Ascendant
Pluto Squares MidHeaven
Pluto Sextiles North Node
Ascendant Semisquare Sun
Ascendant Semisquare Venus
Ascendant Conjuncts Pluto
Ascendant Squares MidHeaven
MidHeaven Sesquiquadrate Sun
MidHeaven Trines Mercury
MidHeaven Sesquiquadrate Venus
MidHeaven Trines Jupiter
MidHeaven Trines Uranus
MidHeaven Squares Pluto
MidHeaven Squares Ascendant
North Node Semisextile Mars
North Node Squares Jupiter
North Node Conjuncts Neptune
North Node Sextiles Pluto
Chiron Opposes Moon
Chiron Quincunx Venus
Chiron Squares Saturn